
Contact Health offers specialist cardiac diagnostic tests and Consultant Cardiologist appointments, helping you to access affordable, expert healthcare quickly.  All our diagnostic tests are carried out by fully qualified and accredited clinicians. 
If you would like to find out more, one of our friendly, professional team will contact you to discuss your symptoms and arrange the appropriate diagnostic tests, under guidance from our consultant cardiologists.  
Usually, all necessary tests can be completed in just one appointment.  We can arrange a follow-up appointment with a consultant cardiologist if required.  If blood tests are required, these can be arranged directly via your GP surgery, or we can organise them via a private provider.  

Cardiac Diagnostic Tests

12-lead ECG

This is a short, safe and pain-free test which monitors your heart rate, and your heart’s rhythm and electrical activity.  It helps to investigate suspected problems with the heart’s electrical signals. 

Electrodes — enclosed in small plastic patches, with lead wires attached — are stuck in 10 positions around the chest and limbs. These electrodes pick up electrical information from various parts of the heart. The information is converted into a graph which is analysed by a cardiologist.

An ECG is a useful test for patients suffering from fluttering or pounding heartbeats which may be caused by an irregular heart rhythm (palpitations), or other symptoms such as lightheadedness, dizziness, breathlessness, and chest pain.

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

This type of ECG allows for continuous monitoring of your heart rate, rhythm, and electrical activity over a longer period up to two weeks, while you carry out your normal daily activities.  An ambulatory ECG is a useful diagnostic test for investigating potential heart problems that occur intermittently, especially if they happen when exercising.  

We use a modern patch monitoring system from Zio that avoids the need for wires and electrodes. While you carry on with your normal daily activities, this small device picks up electrical information from your heart. The information is continuously recorded, to be retrieved and analyzed later by a cardiologist.  The device can be fitted in clinic or sent to your home, and returned via post.

It is a useful test for patients suffering from intermittent fluttering or pounding heartbeats (palpitations), or other symptoms such as lightheadedness, dizziness, breathlessness, and chest pain, especially if those symptoms are brought on by exercise. The Zio patch monitor can be worn for up to 14 days.


An Echocardiogram uses ultrasound to scan your heart and assess its structure and function.  (It is the same safe technology commonly used to perform scans during pregnancy.)  A gel is applied to the area to be scanned, which allows the scanning probe to move over the surface of your skin.  It will check the structure of your heart and how well the valves are functioning.

You will be given a gown to wear, as you will need to remove your upper clothing for the scan. A specialist cardiac technician will carry out the scan and provide a detailed report. A copy of the report is sent to you and your GP or other referrer. For an additional fee, this test can include a discussion with a consultant cardiologist, either in person or remotely.  

An Echocardiogram can be used to investigate symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath, and chest pain.  It will check how well your heart valves are functioning.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Blood pressure measurements are taken to check that your blood pressure is within normal levels; if it is outside the normal range, it may indicate abnormalities in your heart’s function.  If you’ve already been diagnosed with high blood pressure (hypertension) or low blood pressure (hypotension), monitoring your blood pressure can help to manage your condition.  

We use Mobil-O-Graph ambulatory blood pressure monitors to take a series of measurements over 24/48 hours to provide a full assessment of your blood pressure. The monitor can be fitted in clinic, or sent to your home address. The device can be collected via courier for your convenience.

Cardiology Consultations 

To complement cardiac diagnostic testing, we can offer appointments with local Consultant Cardiologists, for people from every background and condition.   

Typical referrals for consultation with a Consultant Cardiologist include the following symptoms and pre-existing cardiac conditions or diagnoses:  

  • Abnormal ECG test result  
  • Atrial fibrillation  
  • Palpitations
  • Chest pain (angina or atypical pain)  
  • Valvular heart disease  
  • Heart failure (suspected or established)
  • Stroke or TIA  
  • COVID-related issues 

Healthy Heart Check 

Referral to a Consultant Cardiologist can also be made for asymptomatic
patients for:

  • Advanced Cardiovascular Health Screening
  • Risk prevention   


Depending on the nature of the referral, blood tests may be required to provide additional information. These can either be arranged directly via your GP surgery, or we can organise them via a private provider.  

Advanced Diagnostics

In partnership with St Joseph’s Hospital in Newport, we offer easily accessible advanced diagnostics imaging, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) x-ray scanning.
St Joseph’s Hospital in Newport

Prices for Self-Funded Referrals

12-lead ECG


Echocardiogram (GP Direct Access)


Consultant Cardiologist New Appointment


Consultant Cardiologist Follow Up


2 Week Ambulatory ECG Monitor


1 Week Ambulatory ECG Monitor


24 Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor


Echocardiogram with Cardiologist Report


Getting your results

After your examination, your report will be sent to you and your referrer securely. If you have self-referred, a copy of the report will also be sent to your GP.  This is usually sent within 24—48 hours unless a second opinion is required, in which case you will be informed of this, and the short wait time involved. 

Take control of your healthcare by arranging rapid diagnostic tests.